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also known as: Tropical pitcher plant, Kannenpflanze, Népenthès, Tropische Bekerplant, Periok-kera, Katupat baruk, Ketakong, láčkovka, utsubokazura, dzbanecznik, zhu long cao

A comprehensive Nepenthes photo gallery
Distribution map Maps/WorldMap_Nepenthes.htm
Nepenthes seeds and flowers and other information Yasuhiro Fukatsu’s comprehensive list of Nepenthes names Jan Schlauer’s comprehensive list of Nepenthes names B.H. Danser: The Nepenthaceae of the Netherlands Indies N. maxima flower close up very strange N. rafflesiana flower male flower male flower
Just for fun and other stuff Dead mouse in N. truncata Dead mouse in N. truncata
Videos/animation of Nepenthes in action 4-minute Attenborough N. rajah video


Nepenthes abalata
Nepenthes abgracilis
Nepenthes adnata
Nepenthes adrianii
Nepenthes aenigma
Nepenthes alata
Nepenthes alba
Nepenthes albomarginata
Nepenthes alfredoi
Nepenthes alpicola see N. rigidifolia
Nepenthes alzapan
Nepenthes amabilis see N. sumagaya
Nepenthes ampullaria
Nepenthes anamensis see N. smilesii
Nepenthes andamana
Nepenthes angasanensis
Nepenthes appendiculata
Nepenthes aptera see N. rigidifolia
Nepenthes argentii
Nepenthes aristolochioides
Nepenthes armin
Nepenthes attenboroughii
Nepenthes baramensis
Nepenthes barcelonae
Nepenthes beccariana
Nepenthes bellii
Nepenthes benstonei
Nepenthes berbulu
Nepenthes biak
Nepenthes bicalcarata
Nepenthes bokorensis
Nepenthes bongso
Nepenthes bongso var. robusta
Nepenthes boschiana
Nepenthes bracteosa
Nepenthes burbidgeae
Nepenthes burkei
Nepenthes cabanae
Nepenthes campanulata
Nepenthes candalaga
Nepenthes carunculata see N. bongso
Nepenthes carunculata var. robusta
Nepenthes ceciliae
Nepenthes chang
Nepenthes chaniana
Nepenthes cid
Nepenthes clipeata
Nepenthes copelandii
Nepenthes cornuta
Nepenthes curtisii see N. maxima
Nepenthes dactylifera
Nepenthes danseri
Nepenthes deaniana
Nepenthes densiflora
Nepenthes diabolica
Nepenthes diatas
Nepenthes distillatoria
Nepenthes dubia
Nepenthes edwardsiana
Nepenthes edwardsiana subsp. macrophylla see N. macrophylla
Nepenthes ephippiata
Nepenthes epiphytica
Nepenthes erucoides
Nepenthes eustachya
Nepenthes eymae
Nepenthes faizaliana
Nepenthes fallax
Nepenthes flava
Nepenthes fractiflexa
Nepenthes fusca
Nepenthes gantungensis
Nepenthes geoffrayi see N. kampotiana
Nepenthes glabrata
Nepenthes glandulifera
Nepenthes graciliflora
Nepenthes gracilis
Nepenthes gracillima
Nepenthes gymnamphora
Nepenthes halmahera
Nepenthes hamata
Nepenthes hamiguitanensis
Nepenthes harauensis
Nepenthes hemsleyana
Nepenthes higaonon
Nepenthes hirsuta
Nepenthes hirtella
Nepenthes hispida
Nepenthes holdenii
Nepenthes hurrelliana
Nepenthes inermis
Nepenthes insignis
Nepenthes izumiae
Nepenthes jacquelineae
Nepenthes jamban
Nepenthes justinae
Nepenthes kampotiana
Nepenthes kerrii
Nepenthes khasiana
Nepenthes klossii
Nepenthes kongkandana
Nepenthes krabiensis
Nepenthes lamii
Nepenthes lavicola
Nepenthes leonardoi
Nepenthes limiana
Nepenthes lingulata
Nepenthes longifolia
Nepenthes lowii
Nepenthes macfarlanei
Nepenthes macrophylla
Nepenthes macrovulgaris
Nepenthes madagascariensis
Nepenthes malimumuensis
Nepenthes manobo
Nepenthes mantalingajanensis
Nepenthes mapuluensis
Nepenthes masoalensis
Nepenthes maxima
Nepenthes maxima var. superba
Nepenthes maximoides
Nepenthes merrilliana
Nepenthes micramphora
Nepenthes mikei
Nepenthes mindanaoensis
Nepenthes minima
Nepenthes mira
Nepenthes mirabilis
Nepenthes mirabilis var. echinostoma
Nepenthes mirabilis var. globosa
Nepenthes mirabilis var. rowanae see N. rowanae
Nepenthes mollis
Nepenthes monticola
Nepenthes muluensis
Nepenthes murudensis see N. x murudensis
Nepenthes naga
Nepenthes naquiyuddinii
Nepenthes nebularum
Nepenthes negros
Nepenthes neoguineensis
Nepenthes nigra
Nepenthes northiana
Nepenthes orbiculata
Nepenthes ovata
Nepenthes palawanensis
Nepenthes paniculata
Nepenthes pantaronensis
Nepenthes papuana
Nepenthes parvula
Nepenthes pectinata
Nepenthes peltata
Nepenthes pervillei
Nepenthes petiolata
Nepenthes philippinensis
Nepenthes pilosa
Nepenthes pitopangii
Nepenthes platychila
Nepenthes pongoides
Nepenthes pudica
Nepenthes pulchra
Nepenthes putaiguneung
Nepenthes pyriformis
Nepenthes rafflesiana
Nepenthes rafflesiana var. alata
Nepenthes rafflesiana var. elongata see N. baramensis
Nepenthes rafflesiana var. gigantea
Nepenthes rafflesiana var. nivea
Nepenthes rajah
Nepenthes ramispina
Nepenthes ramos
Nepenthes reinwardtiana
Nepenthes reinwardtiana var. samarindaensis
Nepenthes rhombicaulis
Nepenthes rigidifolia
Nepenthes robcantleyi
Nepenthes ronchinii see N. diabolica
Nepenthes rosea
Nepenthes rowanae
Nepenthes samar
Nepenthes samudera
Nepenthes sanguinea
Nepenthes saranganiensis
Nepenthes sericea
Nepenthes sharifah-hapsahii see N. x sharifah-hapsahii
Nepenthes sibuyanensis
Nepenthes singalana
Nepenthes smilesii
Nepenthes spathulata
Nepenthes spectabilis
Nepenthes stenophylla
Nepenthes sumagaya
Nepenthes sumatrana
Nepenthes suratensis
Nepenthes surigaoensis
Nepenthes talaandig
Nepenthes talangensis
Nepenthes tboli
Nepenthes tenax
Nepenthes tentaculata
Nepenthes tenuis
Nepenthes thai
Nepenthes thorelii
Nepenthes tobaica
Nepenthes tomoriana
Nepenthes treubiana
Nepenthes truncata
Nepenthes ultra
Nepenthes undulatifolia
Nepenthes veitchii
Nepenthes ventricosa
Nepenthes vieillardii
Nepenthes villosa
Nepenthes viridis
Nepenthes vogelii
Nepenthes weda
Nepenthes xiphioides
Nepenthes zakriana
Nepenthes zygon
Hybrids and Cultivars:

Nepenthes "1"
Nepenthes "2"
Nepenthes "???#1"
Nepenthes "Aa"
Nepenthes 'Accentual Koto'
Nepenthes × [adnata × ampullaria]
Nepenthes × [adnata × campanulata]
Nepenthes × [adnata × eustachya]
Nepenthes × [adnata × muluensis]
Nepenthes 'Adorable Fuso' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:2 (1999)
Nepenthes × [adrianii × burbidgeae]
Nepenthes × [adrianii × (lowii × (veitchii × northiana))]
Nepenthes × [adrianii × rajah]
Nepenthes × [adrianii × truncata]
Nepenthes "Aeneas"
Nepenthes 'Aglow Koto' 1.Cat.Carniv.Pl.:4 (1985)
Nepenthes 'Aichi'
Nepenthes × aigae
Nepenthes 'Akaba' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1995)
Nepenthes × [alata "Giant" × alata "Luzon"]
Nepenthes × [alata "Giant" × "Giant Tiger"]'
Nepenthes × [alata "Giant" × sibuyanensis]
Nepenthes × [alata "Giant" × truncata]
Nepenthes alata "Variegated"
Nepenthes × [alata × 'Balmy Koto']
Nepenthes × [alata × burkei]
Nepenthes × [alata × (burkei × ventricosa)]
Nepenthes × [alata × (kampotiana × ventricosa)]
Nepenthes × [alata × khasiana]
Nepenthes × [alata × leessii]
Nepenthes × [alata × madagascariensis]
Nepenthes × [alata × maxima]
Nepenthes × [alata × (maxima × ventricosa)]
Nepenthes × [alata × merrilliana]
Nepenthes × [alata × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [alata × stenophylla]
Nepenthes × [alata × truncata]
Nepenthes × [alata × (veitchii × × tiveyi]
Nepenthes × [alata × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [alata × (ventricosa × kampotiana)]
Nepenthes × [alata-striped × truncata]
Nepenthes × [albomarginata green × ('Rokko' × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [albomarginata × attenboroughii]
Nepenthes × [albomarginata × bicalcarata]
Nepenthes × [albomarginata × × cincta]
Nepenthes × [albomarginata × eustachya]
Nepenthes × [albomarginata × gracilis]
Nepenthes × [albomarginata × klossii]
Nepenthes × [albomarginata × reinwardtiana]
Nepenthes × [albomarginata × veitchii]
Nepenthes "Alien"
Nepenthes × alisaputrana
Nepenthes "Ali`i"
Nepenthes × allardii see N. x tiveyi
Nepenthes 'Alta May' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
Nepenthes 'Ambrosial Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.12:31 (1983)
Nepenthes × [ampullaria "Brunei Red" × ventricosa red]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × aristolochioides]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × bicalcarata]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × burkei]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × campanulata]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × fusca]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × gracilis] see N. x trichocarpa
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × hamata]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × longifolia]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × mira]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × mirabilis]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × mirabilis echinostoma]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × mirabilis globosa]
Nepenthes × [(ampullaria × mirabilis globosa) × (bicalcarata × mirabilis globosa)]
Nepenthes × [(ampullaria × mirabilis globosa) × dubia]
Nepenthes × [(ampullaria × mirabilis) × dubia]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × neoguinensis]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × northiana]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × rafflesiana] see N. x hookeriana
Nepenthes × [(ampullaria × rafflesiana) × mirabilis globosa]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × reinwardtiana]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × rowanae]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × sibuyanensis]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × (sibuyanensis × ventricosa)]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × (spathulata × gymnamphora)]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × (spectabilis × talangensis)]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × (spectabilis × ventricosa)]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × talangensis]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × tobaica]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × (veitchii × lowii)]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [ampullaria × zakriana]
Nepenthes 'Amy Michelle' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
Nepenthes × [anamensis × ventricosa] see N. x margaretea
Nepenthes × ["Andamanna" × truncata]
Nepenthes "Andamata"
Nepenthes × andrewensis
Nepenthes "Anipahan"
Nepenthes "Anubis"
Nepenthes "Aponi"
Nepenthes × [aptera × spectabilis] see N. x [rigidifolia x spectabilis]
Nepenthes × arakawae
Nepenthes "Aristocrat"
Nepenthes × [aristolochioides × burkei]
Nepenthes × [aristolochioides × diabolica]
Nepenthes × [aristolochioides × diatas]
Nepenthes × [aristolochioides × edwardsiana]
Nepenthes × [aristolochioides × hamata]
Nepenthes × [aristolochioides × khasiana]
Nepenthes × [aristolochioides × maxima]
Nepenthes × [aristolochioides × mira]
Nepenthes × [aristolochioides × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes × [aristolochioides × singalana]
Nepenthes × [aristolochioides × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [(aristolochioides × spectabilis) × hamata]
Nepenthes × [(aristolochioides × spectabilis) × klossii]
Nepenthes × [(aristolochioides × spectabilis) × lowii]
Nepenthes × [aristolochioides × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [aristolochioides × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [aristolochioides × (ventricosa × aristolochioides)]
Nepenthes × [aristolochioides × (ventricosa × talangensis)]
Nepenthes 'Asahi' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:2 (1999)
Nepenthes "Aster"
Nepenthes "Atlanta Giant"
Nepenthes 'Attractive Fuso'
Nepenthes 'Attractive Koto' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1995)
Nepenthes "Aurora"
Nepenthes 'Autumn Wine'
Nepenthes "Avalon"
Nepenthes "Bach"
Nepenthes 'Balmy Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.12:31 (1983)
Nepenthes "Barbara"
Nepenthes "Barbarian"
Nepenthes "Bargara"
Nepenthes 'Bario' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:3 (1999)
Nepenthes "Barnabus"
Nepenthes 'Bastido' in sched. (1996)
Nepenthes "Bau Green"
Nepenthes × bauensis
Nepenthes "BE sp. #1 from Sumatra"
Nepenthes "Before Sunrise"
Nepenthes 'Bella' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:3 (1999)
Nepenthes "Bella"
Nepenthes "Bellero"
Nepenthes × [bellii × ampullaria]
Nepenthes × [bellii × aristolochioides]
Nepenthes × [bellii × carunculata robusta]
Nepenthes × [bellii × clipeata]
Nepenthes × [bellii × (lowii × ventricosa)]
Nepenthes × [bellii × mindanaoensis]
Nepenthes × [bellii × × mixta]
Nepenthes × [bellii × northiana]
Nepenthes × [bellii × robcantleyi "King of Spades"]
Nepenthes × [bellii × spathulata]
Nepenthes × [bellii × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [bellii × ((stenophylla × lowii) × ( 'Rokko' × veitchii))]
Nepenthes × [bellii × talangensis]
Nepenthes × [bellii × (talangensis × hamata)]
Nepenthes × [bellii × (thorelii × aristolochioides)]
Nepenthes × [bellii × truncata]
Nepenthes × [bellii × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [bellii × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [(bellii × veitchii) × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [bellii × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [bellii × (ventricosa × aristolochioides)]
Nepenthes × [(bellii × ventricosa) × mirabilis globosa]
Nepenthes "Bellisimo"
Nepenthes "Benevolence"
Nepenthes 'Benign Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes × [benstonei × mirabilis]
Nepenthes × [bicalcarata × ampullaria]
Nepenthes × [bicalcarata × (ampullaria × gracilis)]
Nepenthes × [bicalcarata × campanulata]
Nepenthes × [bicalcarata × gracilis] see N. x cantleyi
Nepenthes × [bicalcarata × khasiana]
Nepenthes × [bicalcarata × maxima]
Nepenthes × [bicalcarata × merrilliana]
Nepenthes × [bicalcarata × mirabilis]
Nepenthes × [bicalcarata × mirabilis echinostoma]
Nepenthes × [bicalcarata × northiana]
Nepenthes × [(bicalcarata × northiana) × bicalcarata]
Nepenthes × [(bicalcarata × northiana) × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [bicalcarata × rafflesiana]
Nepenthes × [bicalcarata × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [bicalcarata × (spectabilis × northiana)]
Nepenthes × [(bicalcarata × × trichocarpa]
Nepenthes "Big Bertha" [ampullaria]
Nepenthes "Big Bertha" [hookeriana]
Nepenthes "Big Hat"
Nepenthes "Bill Bailey"
Nepenthes × ['Bill Bailey' × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes "Binky"
Nepenthes "Bison"
Nepenthes 'Bizen' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:3 (1999)
Nepenthes "Black Beauty"
Nepenthes "Black Dragon"
Nepenthes "Black Knight"
Nepenthes 'Black Miracle'
Nepenthes 'Black Pearl'
Nepenthes 'Black Rainbow'
Nepenthes "Black Sands"
Nepenthes "Black Truncata"
Nepenthes 'Black Widow'
Nepenthes "Blessed Isles"
Nepenthes "Bloody Mary"
Nepenthes 'Boca Rose' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
Nepenthes × boissiensis
Nepenthes "Bokor" see N. bokorensis
Nepenthes "Bongbong"
Nepenthes × [bongso robusta × truncata]
Nepenthes × [bongso × inermis]
Nepenthes × [bongso × maxima]
Nepenthes × [bongso × truncata]
Nepenthes × [bongso × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes "Borneo"
Nepenthes "Borneo Sunset"
Nepenthes 'Boschiana Mimic' see N. alata
Nepenthes × [boschiana × campanulata]
Nepenthes × [boschiana × densiflora]
Nepenthes × [boschiana × fusca]
Nepenthes × [boschiana × glandulifera]
Nepenthes × [boschiana × klossii]
Nepenthes × [boschiana × lowii]
Nepenthes × [boschiana × mira]
Nepenthes × [boschiana × (spectabilis × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [boschiana × tenuis]
Nepenthes × [boschiana × (tobaica × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [boschiana × veitchii]
Nepenthes × briggsiana
Nepenthes 'Bronze Delight'
Nepenthes "Bronze Nabire"
Nepenthes 'Bruce Bednar'
Nepenthes "Brunei Giant Red"
Nepenthes "Brunei green"
Nepenthes "Brunei Red"
Nepenthes × ["Brunei Red" × "Harlequin"]
Nepenthes × ["Brunei squat" × ("Kondo" × "Singapore Giant 6")]
Nepenthes "Budda"
Nepenthes × [burbidgeae × aristolochioides]
Nepenthes × [burbidgeae × campanulata]
Nepenthes × [burbidgeae × (chaniana × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [burbidgeae × edwardsiana]
Nepenthes × [burbidgeae × fallax]
Nepenthes × [burbidgeae × fusca]
Nepenthes × [burbidgeae × glandulifera]
Nepenthes × [burbidgeae × (maxima × talangensis)]
Nepenthes × [burbidgeae × mira]
Nepenthes × [burbidgeae × petiolata]
Nepenthes × [burbidgeae × platychila]
Nepenthes × [burbidgeae × rajah] see N. x alisaputrana
Nepenthes × [burbidgeae × reinwardtiana]
Nepenthes × [burbidgeae × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes × [burbidgeae × sibuyanensis]
Nepenthes × [burbidgeae × stenophylla]
Nepenthes × [burbidgeae × talangensis]
Nepenthes × [burbidgeae × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [burbidgeae × (veitchii × lowii)]
Nepenthes × [burkei × (burbidgeae × edwardsiana)]
Nepenthes × [burkei × flava]
Nepenthes × [burkei × hamata]
Nepenthes × [burkei × lowii]
Nepenthes × [burkei × mira]
Nepenthes × [burkei × reinwardtiana]
Nepenthes × [burkei × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes × [burkei × tenuis]
Nepenthes × [burkei × truncata
Nepenthes × [burkei × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [burkei × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [burkei × villosa]
Nepenthes "Buttons"
Nepenthes "C.A. Rotwang"
Nepenthes "Caesar"
Nepenthes "Caesarion"
Nepenthes "Caladium"
Nepenthes "Cambodia" see N. bokorensis
Nepenthes × [campanulata × lowii]
Nepenthes × [campanulata × maxima]
Nepenthes × [campanulata × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes × [campanulata × (spectabilis × talangensis)]
Nepenthes × [campanulata × truncata]
Nepenthes × [campanulata × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [campanulata × ventricosa]
Nepenthes 'Candy Apple'
Nepenthes × cantleyi
Nepenthes 'Cantley's Red'
Nepenthes 'CANTNEPDCA'
Nepenthes 'Caramel Candy Stripe'
Nepenthes "Carmen"
Nepenthes × [carunculata robusta × hamata]
Nepenthes × [carunculata robusta × maxima]
Nepenthes × [carunculata robusta × merrilliana]
Nepenthes × [carunculata robusta × "Sabre"]
Nepenthes × [carunculata robusta × truncata]
Nepenthes × [carunculata robusta × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [carunculata robusta × ventricosa]
Nepenthes 'Cathy Jo'
Nepenthes "Cemerlang"
Nepenthes × [chaniana × lowii]
Nepenthes × [chaniana × veitchii]
Nepenthes "Charity"
Nepenthes × chelsonii
Nepenthes 'Cherry Delight'
Nepenthes 'Chocolate Delight'
Nepenthes 'Chonk'
Nepenthes × cincta
Nepenthes × [× cincta × albomarginata]
Nepenthes "Cinnamon Bun"
Nepenthes "Clarabell"
Nepenthes "Clematis"
Nepenthes "Cleopatra"
Nepenthes × [clipeata × (clipeata × eymae)]
Nepenthes × [clipeata × (clipeata × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [clipeata × eymae]
Nepenthes × [clipeata × rafflesiana]
Nepenthes × [clipeata × reinwardtiana]
Nepenthes × [clipeata × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [clipeata × (veitchii × lowii)]
Nepenthes × [clipeata × ventricosa]
Nepenthes "Clyde Bramblett"
Nepenthes × coccinea
Nepenthes × coccinea "Variegated"
Nepenthes × [× coccinea × ampullaria]
Nepenthes "Coco"
Nepenthes × [copelandii × truncata]
Nepenthes "Cordava"
Nepenthes "Cordelia"
Nepenthes "Courage"
Nepenthes "Crimson Kiss"
Nepenthes "DA"
Nepenthes 'Dainty Koto' name not established (no description, violating Art.22.1., ICNCP); 1.Cat.Carniv.Pl.:6 (1985)
Nepenthes "Dangnoi"
Nepenthes "Dark Giant"
Nepenthes "Dark Night"
Nepenthes 'Dashy Koto' J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 35:37 (1984)
Nepenthes 'David Parkyn'
Nepenthes 'Decorous Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes 'Delectable Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes 'Delightful Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes "Delphinium"
Nepenthes "Denarius"
Nepenthes "Densi Orange"
Nepenthes × [densiflora × aristolochioides]
Nepenthes × [densiflora × boschiana]
Nepenthes × [densiflora × (burbidgeae × edwardsiana)]
Nepenthes × [densiflora × mirabilis globosa]
Nepenthes × [densiflora × rafflesiana]
Nepenthes × [densiflora × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes × [densiflora × robcantleyi "King of Clubs"]
Nepenthes × [densiflora × robcantleyi "King of Spades"]
Nepenthes × [densiflora × sibuyanensis]
Nepenthes × [densiflora × spathulata]
Nepenthes × [densiflora × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [densiflora × (spectabilis × mira)]
Nepenthes × [densiflora × (spectabilis × talagensis)]
Nepenthes × [densiflora × talangensis]
Nepenthes × [densiflora × truncata]
Nepenthes × [densiflora × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [densiflora-×-veitchii]
Nepenthes × deslogesii
Nepenthes "Destiny"
Nepenthes × [diabolica × burbidgeae]
Nepenthes "Diana"
Nepenthes × [diatas × mira]
Nepenthes × dicksoniana
Nepenthes 'Dignified Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994
Nepenthes "Diligence"
Nepenthes 'Dinkum Koto' J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 41:43 (1990)
Nepenthes "Diomedes"
Nepenthes 'Director George T. Moore'
Nepenthes × [distillatoria × (campanulata × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [distillatoria × (tobaica × thorelii)]
Nepenthes × [distillatoria × ventricosa]
Nepenthes 'Divine Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes × dominiana
Nepenthes × dominii
Nepenthes "Doormans Top 1" see N. lamii
Nepenthes "Doormans Top 2"
Nepenthes × dormanniana
Nepenthes "Dormouse"
Nepenthes "Dr. Bodie"
Nepenthes 'Dr. D. C. Fairburn'
Nepenthes 'Dr. Edgar Anderson'
Nepenthes 'Dr. John Macfarlane'
Nepenthes "Dragon Fire"
Nepenthes "Dragon Slayer"
Nepenthes 'Dreamy Koto'
Nepenthes 'Dreamy Yamamoto' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:9 (1995)
Nepenthes × [dubia × (dubia × gymnamphora)]
Nepenthes × [dubia × gymnamphora]
Nepenthes × [dubia × jamban]
Nepenthes × [dubia × singalana]
Nepenthes 'Dwarf Peacock'
Nepenthes × dyeriana
Nepenthes 'Easeful Koto'
Nepenthes 'East Everglades' in sched. (1996)
Nepenthes "Ebony Giant"
Nepenthes 'Ebony Koto'
Nepenthes "Eclipse"
Nepenthes 'Ecstatic Koto' J.Insectiv.Pl.Soc.(Japan) 35:39 (1984)
Nepenthes × edinensis
Nepenthes 'Effulgent Koto' (mirabilis)
Nepenthes 'Effulgent Koto' (mirabilis × thorelii)
Nepenthes "Eglantine"
Nepenthes "Ehsan's Incompetence"
Nepenthes 'Elaborative Koto'
Nepenthes "Eldon Lee"
Nepenthes 'Elegance' Insect-Eat.Pl. & How to Grow Them:151 (1986)
Nepenthes 'Elfine Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes "Elizabeth"
Nepenthes 'Emmarene'
Nepenthes 'Emotional Koto'
Nepenthes 'Engaging Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes "Enigma"
Nepenthes "Epigaea"
Nepenthes "Esther"
Nepenthes 'Eternal Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes × [eustachya × albomarginata]
Nepenthes × [eustachya × ampullaria]
Nepenthes × [eustachya × longifolia]
Nepenthes × [eustachya × tenuis]
Nepenthes × [eustachya × veitchii]
Nepenthes "Evening Night"
Nepenthes × excellens see N. x aigae
Nepenthes × excellens var. superba see N. x aigae
Nepenthes "Exotic Dragon"
Nepenthes "Exotic Lady"
Nepenthes × [eymae × clipeata]
Nepenthes × [(eymae × clipeata) × clipeata]
Nepenthes × [eymae × ephippiata]
Nepenthes × [eymae × (fallax × lowii)]
Nepenthes × [eymae × fusca]
Nepenthes × [eymae × jacquelineae]
Nepenthes × [eymae × (jacquelineae × izumiae)]
Nepenthes × [eymae × (lowii × stenophylla)]
Nepenthes × [eymae × maxima]
Nepenthes × [(eymae × maxima) × ('Rokko' × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [eymae × × mixta]
Nepenthes × [eymae × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [eymae × (stenophylla × lowii)]
Nepenthes × [(eymae × (stenophylla × lowii)) × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [eymae × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [eymae × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [(eymae × veitchii) × burbidgeae]
Nepenthes × [(eymae × veitchii) × (lowii × (spathulata × maxima))]
Nepenthes × [eymae × (ventricosa × × mixta)]
Nepenthes 'F.W.Moore'
Nepenthes 'Fabulous Koto' name not established (no description, violating Art.22.1., ICNCP); Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes 'Facetious Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes 'Facile Koto'
Nepenthes × [faizaliana × fusca]
Nepenthes × [faizaliana × rigidifolia]
Nepenthes "Falcon"
Nepenthes "Fancy Fish"
Nepenthes "Fantasy"
Nepenthes 'Fat Boy'
Nepenthes "Fat Lips"
Nepenthes "Fat Mira"
Nepenthes 'Felicitous Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes 'Feminine Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes 'Ferny Koto' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
Nepenthes × ferrugineomarginata
Nepenthes 'Fervent Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes 'Festal Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes 'Festive Koto' Pl.Carniv.:142 (1989)
Nepenthes 'Feverish Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes 'Fickle Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes "Filipine Bells"
Nepenthes "Filipine Dragon"
Nepenthes 'Fine Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes "Firecracker"
Nepenthes "First Light"
Nepenthes "Flames of Apo"
Nepenthes × [flava × mira]
Nepenthes × [flava × sibuyanensis]
Nepenthes "Flutura"
Nepenthes "Forbidden Fruit"
Nepenthes 'Forceful Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes 'Foremost Koto'
Nepenthes 'Formal Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes × formosa
Nepenthes "Forsythia"
Nepenthes 'Frau Anna Babl'
Nepenthes "Freder"
Nepenthes 'Freely Koto' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
Nepenthes 'Frieda Crisp' Savage Garden:260 (1998)
Nepenthes "Frosty"
Nepenthes 'Frosty Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes 'Fruity Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes "Fukakusa"
Nepenthes 'Fulgent Koto' Bull.Au.C.P.Soc.6:41 (1987)
Nepenthes 'Fumi' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
Nepenthes × [fusca × burbidgeae]
Nepenthes × [fusca × lowii]
Nepenthes × [fusca × maxima]
Nepenthes × [fusca × rajah]
Nepenthes × [fusca × reinwardtiana]
Nepenthes × [fusca × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes × [fusca × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [fusca × stenophylla]
Nepenthes × [fusca × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [(fusca × veitchii) × copelandii "Mt. Apo"]
Nepenthes × fushimiensis
Nepenthes 'Fuso' Pl.Carniv.:142 (1989)
Nepenthes "Fyodor"
Nepenthes "Gaya"
Nepenthes "Gentle"
Nepenthes 'Gerald Ulrici'
Nepenthes 'Gerontic Koto' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
Nepenthes "Giant Red"
Nepenthes "Giant Tiger"
Nepenthes 'Giddy Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes × [glabrata × aristolochioides]
Nepenthes × [glabrata × hamata]
Nepenthes × [glabrata × maxima]
Nepenthes × [glabrata × nigra]
Nepenthes × [glabrata × talangensis]
Nepenthes × [glabrata × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [glandulifera × boschiana]
Nepenthes × [glandulifera × burbidgeae]
Nepenthes × [glandulifera × (burbidgeae × edwardsiana)]
Nepenthes × [glandulifera × densiflora]
Nepenthes × [glandulifera × ephippiata]
Nepenthes × [glandulifera × (eymae × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [glandulifera × hamata]
Nepenthes × [glandulifera × peltata]
Nepenthes × [glandulifera × platychila]
Nepenthes × [glandulifera × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes × [glandulifera × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [glandulifera × tenuis]
Nepenthes × [glandulifera × veitchii]
Nepenthes 'Glaring Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes 'Glazy Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes "Globosa" see N. mirabilis var. globosa
Nepenthes 'Gloire des Ardennes' J.Soc.Nation.Hortic.Fr.4.ser.12:32 (1911)
Nepenthes 'Glorious Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes 'Glossy Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes "Gloxinia"
Nepenthes 'Gold Star' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.21:105 (1992)
Nepenthes "Gothica"
Nepenthes × ["Gothica" × truncata]
Nepenthes × [gracilis × ampullaria] see N. x trichocarpa
Nepenthes × [gracilis × bicalcarata] see N. x cantleyi
Nepenthes × [gracilis × mirabilis]
Nepenthes × [gracilis × mirabilis echinostoma]
Nepenthes × [gracilis × "Miranda"]
Nepenthes × [gracilis × northiana] see N. x bauensis
Nepenthes × [gracilis × rafflesiana]
Nepenthes × [gracillima × khasiana]
Nepenthes × [gracillima × rafflesiana nivea]
Nepenthes × [gracillima × ventricosa]
Nepenthes "Gratitude"
Nepenthes "Great Events"
Nepenthes 'Greenhorn'
Nepenthes 'Grey Mist' in sched. (1996)
Nepenthes "GT03"
Nepenthes "GT8510"
Nepenthes × ["GT8510" × × hookeriana]
Nepenthes "Gubler's hybrid"
Nepenthes 'Guillermo Reyes'
Nepenthes × [gymnamphora × bongso]
Nepenthes × [gymnamphora × izumiae]
Nepenthes × [gymnamphora × singalana]
Nepenthes × [gymnamphora × talangensis]
Nepenthes × [gymnamphora × tenuis]
Nepenthes 'H.R. Giger'
Nepenthes 'Hachijo' [thorelii x mirabilis]; Carniv.Pl.Newslett.21:105 (1992)
Nepenthes 'Hachijo'
Nepenthes 'Haguro' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
Nepenthes 'Hamafuefuki' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1995)
Nepenthes "Hamakua"
Nepenthes 'Hamakumiko' Pl.Carniv.:142 (1989)
Nepenthes × [hamata × chaniana]
Nepenthes × [hamata × edwardsiana]
Nepenthes × [(hamata × glabrata) × tenuis]
Nepenthes × [hamata × glandulifera]
Nepenthes × [hamata × gymnamphora]
Nepenthes × [hamata × klossii]
Nepenthes × [hamata × 'Lady Pauline']
Nepenthes × [hamata × (lowii × tentaculata)]
Nepenthes × [hamata × platychila]
Nepenthes × [hamata × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes × [hamata × tenuis]
Nepenthes × [hamata × truncata]
Nepenthes × [hamata × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [hamata × (veitchii × lowii)]
Nepenthes "Hamiguitan"
Nepenthes × hareliana
Nepenthes "Harlequin"
Nepenthes × harryana
Nepenthes "Hector"
Nepenthes "Hecuba"
Nepenthes 'Heian' 1.Cat.Carniv.Pl.:5 (1985)
Nepenthes "Helen"
Nepenthes 'Henry Shaw'
Nepenthes × henryana
Nepenthes 'Hideki' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:11 (1995)
Nepenthes 'Highland' Savage Garden:261 (1998)
Nepenthes 'Hirakata' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
Nepenthes 'Hiramasa' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1995)
Nepenthes 'Hiroko' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
Nepenthes × [hirsuta × bicalcarata]
Nepenthes × [hirsuta × spathulata]
Nepenthes × [hirsuta × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [hirsuta × stenophylla]
Nepenthes × [hirsuta × × tiveyi]
Nepenthes × [hirsuta × tobaica]
Nepenthes × [hirsuta × veitchii]
Nepenthes "Holland Hybrid"
Nepenthes "Hong Kong"
Nepenthes × hookerae
Nepenthes × hookeriana
Nepenthes × [× hookeriana × alata]
Nepenthes × [× hookeriana × ampullaria]
Nepenthes × [× hookeriana × bicalcarata]
Nepenthes × [× hookeriana × mirabilis globosa]
Nepenthes × [× hookeriana × (mirabilis globosa × bicalcarata)]
Nepenthes × [× hookeriana × rafflesiana]
Nepenthes × [hookeriana × "Sabre Dark Cherry"]
Nepenthes × [× hookeriana × spectabilis]
Nepenthes 'Hortulanus Otten'
Nepenthes "Hot Lips" [ampullaria]
Nepenthes × ["Hot Lips" [ampullaria] × × hookeriana]
Nepenthes "Hot Lips" [ventricosa]
Nepenthes "Hualalai"
Nepenthes × [hurreliana × veitchii]
Nepenthes 'Hyogo' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
Nepenthes 'Idyllic Koto' in sched. (1996)
Nepenthes 'Igneous Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes 'Ile de France'
Nepenthes "Immaculate"
Nepenthes 'Immobile Koto' name not established (no description, violating Art.22.1., ICNCP); synonym of N. x aigae; Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)
Nepenthes "Indah 118A"
Nepenthes × [inermis × bongso]
Nepenthes × [inermis × singalana]
Nepenthes × [(inermis × singalana) × mira]
Nepenthes × [(inermis × spathulata) × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [inermis × talangensis]
Nepenthes × [inermis × ventricosa]
Nepenthes "Inevitable"
Nepenthes × intermedia
Nepenthes "Involuntary Bliss"
Nepenthes "Ipu"
Nepenthes "Ipuensis"
Nepenthes "Isis"
Nepenthes 'Issey' Pl.Carniv.:142 (1989)
Nepenthes × [izumeae × ((ventricosa × sibuyanensis) × merrilliana)]
Nepenthes × [izumiae × (lowii × truncata)]
Nepenthes × [izumiae × maxima]
Nepenthes × [izumiae × ramispina]
Nepenthes × [izumiae × truncata]
Nepenthes × [izumiae × (truncata × campanulata)]
Nepenthes × [izumiae × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [izumiae × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [izumiae × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [izumiae × (ventricosa × × trusmadiensis)]
Nepenthes 'J & B' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
Nepenthes "J. Lovelock"
Nepenthes 'Jack Finney' Savage Garden:273 (1998)
Nepenthes × [jacquelineae × dubia???]
Nepenthes × [jacquelineae × izumiae]
Nepenthes × [jacquelineae × lowii]
Nepenthes × [jamban × dubia]
Nepenthes × [jamban × lingulata]
Nepenthes "James Taplin"
Nepenthes 'Jeanie Babe' in sched. (1996)
Nepenthes 'Jessica Laureen' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
Nepenthes 'Jim Bockowski'
Nepenthes "Jmaxeypiata"
Nepenthes 'Joanne Holland'
Nepenthes "Jolly Twist"
Nepenthes "Jolly Victory"
Nepenthes 'Joseph Cutak'
Nepenthes 'Judith Finn'
Nepenthes "Judith Soper"
Nepenthes "Julia"
Nepenthes "Jungle Bells"
Nepenthes "Justice"
Nepenthes "Kalakoa"
Nepenthes 'Kalamity' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
Nepenthes "Kalapana"
Nepenthes "Kamaha'o"
Nepenthes 'Kametodo' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
Nepenthes × [kampotiana × bokorensis]
Nepenthes × [kampotiana × × coccinea]
Nepenthes × [kampotiana × (khasiana × alata)]
Nepenthes × [(kampotiana × maxima) × (fusca × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [kampotiana × ventricosa]
Nepenthes "Kandy"
Nepenthes "Karen Marie"
Nepenthes 'Kashiwa' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
Nepenthes 'Katharine Moore'
Nepenthes "Kau"
Nepenthes 'Kayoko' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:4 (1999)
Nepenthes 'Kei' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
Nepenthes "Kemiri"
Nepenthes × [khasiana × alata]
Nepenthes × [khasiana × 'Dreamy Koto']
Nepenthes × [khasiana × mirabilis globosa]
Nepenthes × [khasiana × × mixta]
Nepenthes × [khasiana × 'Rokko']
Nepenthes × [khasiana × sibuyanensis]
Nepenthes × [khasiana × truncata]
Nepenthes × [khasiana × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [khasiana × (ventricosa × maxima)]
Nepenthes 'Khi Seechumpu'
Nepenthes 'Kihachijo' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:12 (1995)
Nepenthes "Kilauea"
Nepenthes "Kimimela"
Nepenthes × kinabaluensis
Nepenthes "Kindness"
Nepenthes "King Tiger"
Nepenthes × ["King Tiger" × mirabilis "Kuraburi"]
Nepenthes "Kirstin Ammar"
Nepenthes 'Kishino' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
Nepenthes 'Kiso' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:9 (1995)
Nepenthes × [klossii × veitchii]
Nepenthes "Kohala"
Nepenthes 'Koiwado' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
Nepenthes 'Koiwado' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:10 (1995)
Nepenthes 'Kokkome' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:17 (1995)
Nepenthes "Kona"
Nepenthes "Konak"
Nepenthes ["Kondo" × 'Singapore Giant']
Nepenthes 'Kosobe' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:18 (1995)
Nepenthes "Krishna"
Nepenthes "Kristin Ammar"
Nepenthes "Krystal"
Nepenthes × kuchingensis
Nepenthes × [× kuchingensis × mirabilis globosa]
Nepenthes × [× kuchingensis × "Miranda"]
Nepenthes "Kuraburi Nepenthes"
Nepenthes 'Kyoko' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
Nepenthes "Lady Luck"
Nepenthes 'Lady Pauline'
Nepenthes × ['Lady Pauline' × hamata]
Nepenthes "Lady Rainicorn"
Nepenthes "Laithai"
Nepenthes 'Lake Poso'
Nepenthes "Lang"
Nepenthes "Langkawi"
Nepenthes "Lantern Alata" see N. "Rebecca Soper"
Nepenthes "Laputa"
Nepenthes "Lear"
Nepenthes "Lebin"
Nepenthes × lecouflei
Nepenthes 'LeeAnn Marie' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
Nepenthes × leessii
Nepenthes "Leviathan"
Nepenthes 'Lewis Bradbury' Gard.Chron.3.ser.54:17 (1913)
Nepenthes "Lich"
Nepenthes 'Lieut. R. Bradford Pring'
Nepenthes "Lilli"
Nepenthes 'Lime Delight'
Nepenthes "Lime Twist"
Nepenthes "Linda"
Nepenthes 'L'Insolite' Rev.Hortic.78:554 (1906)
Nepenthes "Little Apple"
Nepenthes "Loihi"
Nepenthes 'Londt' in sched. (1996)
Nepenthes × [longifolia × eustachya]
Nepenthes "Lorainne"
Nepenthes "Louisa"
Nepenthes "Louise"
Nepenthes × [lowii × (ampullaria × mira)]
Nepenthes × [lowii × aristolochioides]
Nepenthes × [lowii × boschiana]
Nepenthes × [(lowii × boschiana) × ((lowii × veitchii) × (sibuyanensis × trusmadiensis))]
Nepenthes × [lowii × burkei]
Nepenthes × [lowii × campanulata]
Nepenthes × [(lowii × campanulata) × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [lowii × chaniana]
Nepenthes × [lowii × ephippiata]
Nepenthes × [lowii × (eymae × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [lowii × fusca]
Nepenthes × [lowii × "Gothica"]
Nepenthes × [lowii × jacquelineae]
Nepenthes × [lowii × (lowii × truncata)]
Nepenthes × [lowii × macrophylla] see N. x trusmadiensis
Nepenthes × [lowii × (maxima × mira)]
Nepenthes × [lowii × (maxima × spathulata)]
Nepenthes × [lowii × (maxima × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [lowii × merrilliana]
Nepenthes × [(lowii × merrilliana) × ((veitchii × maxima) × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [lowii × mira]
Nepenthes × [lowii × muluensis]
Nepenthes × [lowii × (northiana × maxima)]
Nepenthes × [lowii × (northiana × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [lowii × pilosa]
Nepenthes × [lowii × "Sabre Dark Cherry"]
Nepenthes × [lowii × (sibuyanensis × maxima)]
Nepenthes × [lowii × (spathulata × maxima)]
Nepenthes × [lowii × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [lowii × (spectabilis × northiana)]
Nepenthes × [(lowii × spectabilis) × talangensis]
Nepenthes × [lowii × (stenophylla × maxima)]
Nepenthes × [lowii × talangensis]
Nepenthes × [(lowii × talangensis) × vogelii]
Nepenthes × [lowii × tentaculata]
Nepenthes × [lowii × × tiveyi]
Nepenthes × [lowii × truncata]
Nepenthes × [lowii × (truncata × campanulata)]
Nepenthes × [lowii × (truncata × (spectabilis × northiana))]
Nepenthes × [lowii × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [(lowii × veitchii) × (bicalcarata × campanulata)]
Nepenthes × [(lowii × veitchii) × boschiana]
Nepenthes × [((lowii × veitchii) × boschiana) × burbidgeae]
Nepenthes × [(lowii × veitchii) × (boschiana × campanulata)]
Nepenthes × [((lowii × veitchii) × boschiana) × (maxima × mira)]
Nepenthes × [((lowii × veitchii) × boschiana) × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [((lowii × veitchii) × boschiana) × ((veitchii × maxima) × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [(lowii × veitchii) × burbidgeae]
Nepenthes × [(lowii × veitchii) × campanulata]
Nepenthes × [((lowii × veitchii) × campanulata) × truncata]
Nepenthes × [(lowii × veitchii) × glandulifera]
Nepenthes × [(lowii × veitchii) × (maxima × aristolochioides)]
Nepenthes × [(lowii × veitchii) × (maxima × mira)]
Nepenthes × [(lowii × veitchii) × (maxima × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [lowii × veitchii) × (sibuyanensis × maxima)]
Nepenthes × [lowii × veitchii) × (sibuyanensis × × trusmadiensis)]
Nepenthes × [(lowii × veitchii) × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [(lowii × veitchii) × (truncata × (spectabilis × northiana))]
Nepenthes × [(lowii × veitchii) × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [lowii × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [((lowii × ventricosa) × boschiana) × burbidgeae]
Nepenthes × [lowii × (ventricosa × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes 'Lunar Eclipse AR_PPC'
Nepenthes "Lupalupa"
Nepenthes 'Luzon' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1995)
Nepenthes "Luzon" see N. aenigma
Nepenthes × [macfarlanei × × mixta]
Nepenthes × [macfarlanei × ramispina]
Nepenthes × [macfarlanei × sanguinea]
Nepenthes × [macfarlanei × sibuyanensis]
Nepenthes × [macfarlanei × (tobaica × thorelii)]
Nepenthes × [macfarlanei × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [macfarlanei × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [macrophylla × lowii]
Nepenthes × [macrovulgaris × reinwardtiana]
Nepenthes × [madagascariensis × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × madisonii
Nepenthes "Madja-as"
Nepenthes "Maggie Jones"
Nepenthes "Maka"
Nepenthes "Maka'ula"
Nepenthes 'Mangomarginata'
Nepenthes 'Manny Herrera'
Nepenthes × [mapuluensis × ventricosa]
Nepenthes "Marbled Dragon"
Nepenthes "March Hare"
Nepenthes "Mardi Gras"
Nepenthes × margaretea
Nepenthes "Marginal"
Nepenthes "Maria"
Nepenthes "Marian"
Nepenthes 'Marie'
Nepenthes "Mark Lang"
Nepenthes "Marpessa"
Nepenthes 'Mary Cruz' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.22:98 (1993)
Nepenthes × mastersiana
Nepenthes × mastersiana cv "Purpurea"
Nepenthes "Mata Hari"
Nepenthes "Mauna Kea"
Nepenthes "Mauna Loa"
Nepenthes × [maxima dark × maxima]
Nepenthes × [maxima dark × "Sulewesi"]
Nepenthes × [maxima dark × (tobaica × ovata)]
Nepenthes × [maxima Pieriensis × (northiana × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [maxima superba × boschiana]
Nepenthes maxima "Wavy Leaf"
Nepenthes × [maxima × alata]
Nepenthes × [maxima × albomarginata]
Nepenthes × [maxima × aristolochioides]
Nepenthes × [maxima × bicalcarata]
Nepenthes × [maxima × boschiana]
Nepenthes × [maxima × burbidgeae]
Nepenthes × [maxima × (burbidgeae × edwardsiana)]
Nepenthes × [maxima × campanulata]
Nepenthes × [maxima × (eymae × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [maxima × fusca]
Nepenthes × [maxima × (fusca × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [maxima × glandulifera]
Nepenthes × [maxima × gymnamphora]
Nepenthes × [maxima × 'Ile de France']
Nepenthes × [maxima × lowii]
Nepenthes × [maxima × (lowii × macrophylla)]
Nepenthes × [maxima × (lowii × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [maxima × (lowii × ventricosa)]
Nepenthes × [maxima × maxima]
Nepenthes × [maxima × merilliana]
Nepenthes × [maxima × mindanaoensis]
Nepenthes × [maxima × mira]
Nepenthes × [maxima × × mixta]
Nepenthes × [(maxima × × mixta) × talangensis]
Nepenthes × [((maxima × × mixta) × veitchii) × fusca]
Nepenthes × [maxima × neogueneensis]
Nepenthes × [maxima × northiana] see N. x mixta
Nepenthes × [maxima × (northiana × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [maxima × ovata]
Nepenthes × [maxima × 'Pisacho']
Nepenthes × [maxima × platychila]
Nepenthes × [maxima × (platychila × fusca)]
Nepenthes × [maxima × ramispina]
Nepenthes × [maxima × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes × [maxima (× 'Rokko' × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [maxima × sanguinea]
Nepenthes × [maxima × sibuyanensis]
Nepenthes × [maxima × (sibuyanensis × × trusmadiensis)]
Nepenthes × [maxima × spathulata]
Nepenthes × [maxima × (spathulata × lowii)]
Nepenthes × [maxima × (spathulata × truncata)]
Nepenthes × [maxima × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [(maxima × spectabilis) × jacquelineae]
Nepenthes × [maxima × stenophylla]
Nepenthes × [maxima × (stenophylla × lowii)]
Nepenthes × [maxima × ((stenophylla × lowii) × ('Rokko' × veitchii))]
Nepenthes × [(maxima × ((stenophylla × lowii) × ('Rokko' × veitchii))) × (truncata × campanulata)]
Nepenthes × [maxima × talangensis]
Nepenthes × [(maxima × talangensis) × hamata "Tambusisi"]
Nepenthes × [(maxima × talangensis) × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes × [maxima × thorelii]
Nepenthes × [(maxima × thorelii) × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [(maxima × thorelii) × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [maxima × × tiveyi]
Nepenthes × [maxima × tobaica]
Nepenthes × [maxima × truncata]
Nepenthes × [maxima × (truncata × (spectabilis × northiana))]
Nepenthes × [maxima × (truncata × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [maxima × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [maxima × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [(maxima × veitchii) × (northiana × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [(maxima × veitchii) × ('Rokko' × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [(maxima × veitchii) × (thorelii × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [(maxima × veitchii) × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [maxima × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [maxima × vogelii]
Nepenthes "Maximum"
Nepenthes "Medusa"
Nepenthes 'Mekata' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
Nepenthes "Melvino"
Nepenthes 'Menarabe' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
Nepenthes "Menarik"
Nepenthes "Menehune"
Nepenthes "Menelaus"
Nepenthes 'Mercury' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
Nepenthes × [merrilliana × alata]
Nepenthes × [merrilliana × aristolochioides]
Nepenthes × [merrilliana × campanulata]
Nepenthes × [merrilliana × glabrata]
Nepenthes × [merrilliana × maxima]
Nepenthes × [merrilliana × (maxima × talangensis)]
Nepenthes × [merrilliana × truncata]
Nepenthes × [merrilliana × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × merrilliata see N. x [merrilliana x alata]
Nepenthes 'Michael Lee' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
Nepenthes 'Midori' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
Nepenthes "Midtown"
Nepenthes 'Mihara' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:13 (1995)
Nepenthes × [mikei × xiphioides]
Nepenthes 'Millipede Den'
Nepenthes "Mimi"
Nepenthes 'Mimic' in sched. (1985)
Nepenthes "Mimi's Kiss"
Nepenthes "Mimosa"
Nepenthes 'Minami'
Nepenthes 'Minami Triumph'
Nepenthes × minamiensis
Nepenthes × [mindanaoensis × truncata]
Nepenthes × [mindanaoensis × veitchii]
Nepenthes 'Mino'o' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.8:14 (1979)
Nepenthes × [mira × adnata]
Nepenthes × [mira × inermis]
Nepenthes × [mira × lowii]
Nepenthes × [mira × peltata]
Nepenthes × [mira × spathulata]
Nepenthes × [mira × tenuis]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis echinostoma × ampullaria]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis echinostoma × rafflesiana]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × "adrianii"]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × alata]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × ampullaria]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × (ampullaria × mira)]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × (ampullaria × mirabilis)]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × (ampullaria × mirabilis globosa)]
Nepenthes × [(mirabilis globosa × ampullaria) × thorelii]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × (ampullaria × ventricosa)]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × anamensis]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × (aristolochioides × spectabilis)]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × bicalcarata]
Nepenthes × [(mirabilis globosa × bicalcarata) × ampullaria]
Nepenthes × [(mirabilis globosa × bicalcarata) × (veitchii × boschiana)]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × campanulata]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × × coccinea]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × hamata]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × hirsuta]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × × hookeriana]
Nepenthes × [(mirabilis globosa × hookeriana) × northiana]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × khasiana]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × × kuchingensis]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × (maxima × × trusmadiensis)]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × mirabilis]
Nepenthes × [(mirabilis globosa × mirabilis "Hot Lips") × "Konak"]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × (mirabilis × ampullaria)]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × "Miranda"]
Nepenthes × [(mirabilis globosa × "Miranda") × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × northiana]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × rafflesiana]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × rafflesiana alata]
Nepenthes × (mirabilis globosa × rafflesiana) × (ampullaria × northiana)]
Nepenthes × [(mirabilis globosa × rafflesiana) × mirabilis globosa]
Nepenthes × [(mirabilis globosa × rafflesiana) × northiana]
Nepenthes × [(mirabilis globosa × rafflesiana) × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × (spectabilis × aristolochioides)
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × thorelii]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × (thorelii × ampullaria)]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × (thorelii × aristolochioides)]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × ((thorelii × rafflesiana ) × rowanae)]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × "Tiger"]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × truncata]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis globosa × (ventricosa × sibuyanensis)]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis winged × (maxima × (maxima × × mixta))]
Nepenthes × [(mirabilis winged × (maxima × (maxima × × mixta))) × (thorelii × rafflesiana)]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis winged × stenophylla]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis winged × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis × alata]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis × ampullaria]
Nepenthes × [(mirabilis × ampullaria) × rafflesiana]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis × bicalcarata]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis × × coccinea]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis × gracilis]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis × "Holland Hybrid"]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis × khasiana]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis × × kuchingensis]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis × mirabilis globosa]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis × (mirabilis globosa × rafflesiana)]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis × "Miranda"]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis × × mixta]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis × × outramiana]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis × rafflesiana]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis × (sibuyanensis × truncata)]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis × sumatrana]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis × thorelii]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis × "Tiger"]
Nepenthes × [(mirabilis × "Tiger") × "Dangnoi"]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis × tobaica]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis × truncata]
Nepenthes × [mirabilis × veitchii]
Nepenthes "Miranda"
Nepenthes × ["Miranda" × lowii]
Nepenthes × ["Miranda" × talangensis]
Nepenthes "Miss Stephanie"
Nepenthes × mixta
Nepenthes 'Mixta Sanguinea'
Nepenthes × mixta superba
Nepenthes × [× mixta superba × rafflesiana]
Nepenthes × [× mixta × maxima]
Nepenthes × [(mixta × maxima) × talangensis]
Nepenthes × [((mixta × maxima) × veitchii) × (northiana × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [× mixta × mirabilis]
Nepenthes 'Miyo' name not established (no description, violating Art.22.1., ICNCP); List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
Nepenthes 'Mizuho'
Nepenthes "Mizuho Kondo"
Nepenthes "Mock Turtle"
Nepenthes "Mojito"
Nepenthes "Momoka"
Nepenthes × morganiana
Nepenthes × [× morganiana × ampullaria]
Nepenthes "Mt Halcon"
Nepenthes "Mt Salak"
Nepenthes × [muluensis × lowii]
Nepenthes × [muluensis × murudensis]
Nepenthes × murudensis
Nepenthes 'Nagamogo' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.16:70 (1987)
Nepenthes 'Nago' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:14 (1995)
Nepenthes 'Nagoya' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.8:14 (1979)
Nepenthes "Nagoya Variegata" Carniv.Pl.Newslett.8:14 (1979)
Nepenthes 'Nakaccho' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:14 (1995)
Nepenthes 'Nakanogo' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:11 (1995)
Nepenthes 'Nanbara' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:14 (1995)
Nepenthes "Narathiwat" see N. thai
Nepenthes 'Nasu' Registered 10. 11. 1998; later synonym of N. x chelsonii; Pl.Carniv.:142 (1989)
Nepenthes × neglecta
Nepenthes 'Nell Horner'
Nepenthes × [neoguineensis × ampullaria]
Nepenthes "NeoLaos"
Nepenthes "Nephthys"
Nepenthes "New Idol"
Nepenthes "Nicodemus"
Nepenthes 'Nighttime Regal'
Nepenthes "Nile"
Nepenthes 'Nina Dodd'
Nepenthes 'Niwa' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:10 (1995)
Nepenthes 'Noboriryu' name not established (no description, violating Art.22.1., ICNCP); Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:14 (1995)
Nepenthes 'Nora'
Nepenthes × [northiana × albomarginata] see N. x cincta
Nepenthes × [northiana × clipeata]
Nepenthes × [northiana × gracilis]
Nepenthes × [northiana × maxima]
Nepenthes × [((northiana × maxima) × (maxima)) × (northiana × maxima)]
Nepenthes × [northiana × mirabilis]
Nepenthes × [northiana × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [(northiana × veitchii) × burbidgeae]
Nepenthes × [(northiana × veitchii) × (clipeata × eymae)]
Nepenthes × [(northiana × veitchii) × ephippiata]
Nepenthes × [(northiana × veitchii) × (spectabilis × northiana)]
Nepenthes × [(northiana × veitchii) × × tiveyi]
Nepenthes × [northiana × (veitchii × × tiveyi)]
Nepenthes "Nova Sumatra" see N. "Sumatra new"
Nepenthes "Odysseus"
Nepenthes "Odyssey"
Nepenthes 'Ogo' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1995)
Nepenthes × ['Oiso' × maxima]
Nepenthes 'Okazaki' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
Nepenthes 'Okuyama' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:14 (1995)
Nepenthes 'Oriental Rouge' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:18 (1995)
Nepenthes "Osiris"
Nepenthes 'Otokuni' name not established (no description, violating Art.22.1., ICNCP); later synonym of N. x ventrata; List of Nepenthes Hybr.:5 (1999)
Nepenthes × outramiana
Nepenthes × [× outramiana × × splendiana]
Nepenthes × [ovata × spectabilis]
Nepenthes "Pahoehoe"
Nepenthes "Palawan 1" see N. mantalingajanensis
Nepenthes "Palawan 3"
Nepenthes "Pandarus"
Nepenthes "Pandora"
Nepenthes "Parasol"
Nepenthes "Paris"
Nepenthes "Parvana"
Nepenthes "Pastoral"
Nepenthes "Patience"
Nepenthes "Patong"
Nepenthes "Patroklos"
Nepenthes "Pea Cup"
Nepenthes × [pectinata × campanulata]
Nepenthes × [pectinata × truncata]
Nepenthes × [peltata × aristolochioides]
Nepenthes × [peltata × attenboroughii]
Nepenthes × [peltata × sp 1]
Nepenthes × [peltata × (veitchii × lowii)]
Nepenthes 'Pennywise'
Nepenthes 'Peter D'Amato'
Nepenthes × ['Peter D'Amato' × maxima]
Nepenthes × ['Peter D'Amato' × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [petiolata × alata]
Nepenthes × [petiolata × burkei]
Nepenthes × [petiolata × flava]
Nepenthes × [petiolata × hamata]
Nepenthes × [petiolata × (lowii × tentaculata)]
Nepenthes × [petiolata × mastersiana]
Nepenthes × [petiolata × maxima]
Nepenthes × [petiolata × mira]
Nepenthes × [petiolata × reinwardtiana]
Nepenthes × [petiolata × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes × [petiolata × (spathulata × mira)]
Nepenthes × [petiolata × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [petiolata × talangensis]
Nepenthes × [petiolata × truncata]
Nepenthes × [petiolata × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [petiolata × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [petiolata × ventricosa]
Nepenthes 'Petra'
Nepenthes "Phang-nga"
Nepenthes "Pharaoh"
Nepenthes "Phil Mann"
Nepenthes "Philippines"
Nepenthes × ['Pieriensis' × (northiana × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [pilosa × veitchii]
Nepenthes "Pink Panther"
Nepenthes 'Pisacho'
Nepenthes × [platychila × eymae]
Nepenthes × [platychila × hamata]
Nepenthes × [platychila × mira]
Nepenthes × [platychila × rajah]
Nepenthes × [platychila × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes × [platychila × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [platychila × villosa]
Nepenthes × [platychila × vogelii]
Nepenthes "Poi Dog"
Nepenthes "Polar Prince"
Nepenthes "Polydorus"
Nepenthes "Pompey"
Nepenthes "Pookradung"
Nepenthes "Predator"
Nepenthes "Priam"
Nepenthes "Princess"
Nepenthes "Princess Bubblegum"
Nepenthes "Princess William of Wales"
Nepenthes "Profundo Rosso"
Nepenthes 'Prosperity'
Nepenthes "Pulelehua"
Nepenthes "Puna"
Nepenthes "Punahele"
Nepenthes "Purple Dragon"
Nepenthes "Pursat"
Nepenthes "Queen Malani"
Nepenthes "Queen of Hearts"
Nepenthes "Queen of Hearts × King of Spades" see N. robcantleyi "Queen of Hearts x King of Spades"
Nepenthes "Queen's Bath"
Nepenthes × [rafflesiana elongata × rafflesiana gigantea]
Nepenthes × [rafflesiana elongata × rowanae]
Nepenthes rafflesiana "Variegated"
Nepenthes × [rafflesiana × alata]
Nepenthes × [rafflesiana × albomarginata]
Nepenthes × [rafflesiana × ampullaria] see N. x hookeriana
Nepenthes × [rafflesiana × ampullaria × bellii × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [(rafflesiana × ampullaria) × (eymae × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [rafflesiana × bellii]
Nepenthes × [rafflesiana × bicalcarata]
Nepenthes × [rafflesiana × burbidgeae]
Nepenthes × [rafflesiana × globosa]
Nepenthes × [rafflesiana × gracilis]
Nepenthes × [rafflesiana × hamata]
Nepenthes × [rafflesiana × 'Ile de France']
Nepenthes × [rafflesiana × maxima]
Nepenthes × [(rafflesiana × (maxima × (maxima × × Mixta))) × (bellii × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [rafflesiana × merilliana]
Nepenthes × [rafflesiana × mirabilis]
Nepenthes × [rafflesiana × mirabilis echinostoma]
Nepenthes × [rafflesiana × mirabilis globosa]
Nepenthes × [rafflesiana × sibuyanensis]
Nepenthes × [rafflesiana × stenophylla]
Nepenthes × [rafflesiana × tobaica]
Nepenthes × [rafflesiana × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [rafflesiana × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [rafflesiana × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [rajah × burbidgeae] see N. x alisaputrana
Nepenthes × [rajah × (burbidgeae × edwardsiana)]
Nepenthes × [rajah × eymae]
Nepenthes × [rajah × flava]
Nepenthes × [rajah × jacquelineae]
Nepenthes × [rajah × klossii]
Nepenthes × [rajah × lowii]
Nepenthes × [rajah × mira]
Nepenthes × [rajah × peltata]
Nepenthes × [rajah × platychila]
Nepenthes × [rajah × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes × [rajah × tentaculata]
Nepenthes × [rajah × tenuis]
Nepenthes × [rajah × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [rajah × (veitchii × platychila)]
Nepenthes × [rajah × villosa]
Nepenthes × [ramispina × aristolochioides]
Nepenthes × [ramispina × burkei]
Nepenthes × [ramispina × hamata]
Nepenthes × [ramispina × macfarlanei]
Nepenthes × [(ramispina × macfarlanei) × sibuyanensis]
Nepenthes × [ramispina × reinwardtiana]
Nepenthes × [ramispina × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes × [ramispina × sanguinea]
Nepenthes × [ramispina × singalana]
Nepenthes × [ramispina × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [ramispina × truncata]
Nepenthes × [ramispina × ventricosa ]
Nepenthes × [ramispina × vogelii]
Nepenthes 'Rapa' name not established (no description, violating Art.22.1., ICNCP); List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
Nepenthes "Rebecca Soper"
Nepenthes "Rebo"
Nepenthes "Red Beauty"
Nepenthes "Red Bulbous"
Nepenthes "Red Dragon"
Nepenthes "Red Flush"
Nepenthes "Red Hairy hamata" See N. diabolica
Nepenthes "Red Leather"
Nepenthes "Red Leopard"
Nepenthes "Red Moon"
Nepenthes "Red Princess"
Nepenthes 'Red Rocket'
Nepenthes "Red Ruffles"
Nepenthes 'Red Skelton' registration preliminary (standard missing); synonym of N. x hareliana; Savage Garden:259 (1998)
Nepenthes "Red Tiger"
Nepenthes 'Red Velvet Aurea'
Nepenthes "Redneck"
Nepenthes "Regal Dragon"
Nepenthes "Regan"
Nepenthes × [reinwardtiana × macrovulgaris]
Nepenthes 'Remilly' J.Soc.Nation.Hortic.Fr.4.ser.6:664 (1905)
Nepenthes "Reserve"
Nepenthes 'Rex' Savage Garden:259 (1998)
Nepenthes "RFG-1"
Nepenthes × [rhombicaulis × spectabilis]
Nepenthes "Riddler"
Nepenthes × [rigidifolia × spectabilis]
Nepenthes robcantleyi "King of Clubs"
Nepenthes robcantleyi "King of Hearts"
Nepenthes robcantleyi "King of Spades"
Nepenthes robcantleyi "Queen of Hearts"
Nepenthes robcantleyi "Queen of Hearts × King of Spades"
Nepenthes × [robcantleyi "Queen of Hearts" × maxima]
Nepenthes × [robcantleyi × ampullaria]
Nepenthes × [robcantleyi × aristolochioides]
Nepenthes × [robcantleyi × (aristolochioides × spectabilis)]
Nepenthes × [robcantleyi × boschiana]
Nepenthes × [robcantleyi × burbidgeae]
Nepenthes × [robcantleyi × (burbidgeae × edwardsiana)]
Nepenthes × [robcantleyi × fusca] now named Nepenthes x [robcantleyi x zakriana]
Nepenthes × [robcantleyi × hamata]
Nepenthes × [robcantleyi × jacquelineae]
Nepenthes × [robcantleyi × "Jungle Bells"]
Nepenthes × [robcantleyi × klossii]
Nepenthes × [robcantleyi × maxima]
Nepenthes × [robcantleyi × ovata]
Nepenthes × [robcantleyi × palawanensis]
Nepenthes × [robcantleyi × platychila]
Nepenthes × [robcantleyi × reinwardtiana]
Nepenthes × [robcantleyi × (sibuyanensis × ventricosa)]
Nepenthes × [robcantleyi × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [robcantleyi × talangensis]
Nepenthes × [robcantleyi × tenuis]
Nepenthes × [robcantleyi × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [robcantleyi × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [robcantleyi × zakriana]
Nepenthes 'Rokko'
Nepenthes "Rokko Exotica"
Nepenthes × ["Rokko Exotica" × boschiana]
Nepenthes × [("Rokko Exotica" × boschiana) × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [("Rokko Exotica" × boschiana) × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [("Rokko Exotica" × boschiana) × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [(("Rokko Exotica" × boschiana) × veitchii) × (((lowii × veitchii) × boschiana) × (maxima × mira))]
Nepenthes × ["Rokko Exotica" × (spectabilis × mira)]
Nepenthes × ["Rokko Exotica" × veitchii]
Nepenthes × ['Rokko' × alata]
Nepenthes × ['Rokko' × (bellii × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [('Rokko' × bicalcarata) × bicalcarata]
Nepenthes × ['Rokko' × (bokorensis × aristolochioides)]
Nepenthes × ['Rokko' × campanulata]
Nepenthes × [('Rokko' × × dyeriana) × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [('Rokko' × × dyeriana) × ventricosa] "Variegated"
Nepenthes × ['Rokko' × fallax]
Nepenthes × ['Rokko' × "Forbidden Fruit"]
Nepenthes × [('Rokko' × (fusca × spectabilis)) × truncata]
Nepenthes × [('Rokko' × (fusca × spectabilis)) × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × ['Rokko' × fusca) × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × ['Rokko' × hamata]
Nepenthes × [('Rokko' × hurrelliana) × ('Rokko' × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [('Rokko' × hurrelliana) × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × ['Rokko' × mirabilis echinostoma]
Nepenthes × ['Rokko' × × mixta]
Nepenthes × ['Rokko' × northiana]
Nepenthes × ['Rokko' × "Pisacho"]
Nepenthes × ['Rokko' × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × ['Rokko' × stenophylla]
Nepenthes × ['Rokko' × (thorelii × aristolochioides)]
Nepenthes × ['Rokko' × (thorelii × × coccinea)]
Nepenthes × ['Rokko' × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [('Rokko' × veitchii) × fusca]
Nepenthes × [('Rokko' × veitchii) × veitchii]
Nepenthes "Romans"
Nepenthes 'Ron Determann'
Nepenthes "Rose"
Nepenthes "Rose-Bury"
Nepenthes 'Rouge' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
Nepenthes × [rowanae × ampullaria]
Nepenthes "Royal truncata"
Nepenthes 'Rubra' 1.Cat.Carniv.Pl.:4 (1985)
Nepenthes × rubromaculata
Nepenthes 'Ruby' Gard.Chron.3.ser.42:284 (1907)
Nepenthes "Ruby Alice"
Nepenthes × rufescens
Nepenthes "Sabre"
Nepenthes "Sabre Dark Cherry"
Nepenthes × ["Sabre Dark Cherry" × lowii]
Nepenthes 'Sachiko' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
Nepenthes "Safari"
Nepenthes 'Saitoh' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
Nepenthes 'Sakura' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
Nepenthes 'Sakura' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:11 (1995)
Nepenthes 'Sanderiana' in sched. (1980)
Nepenthes 'Sanglant' Gard.Chron.3.ser.46:393 (1909)
Nepenthes × [sanguinea × gracilis]
Nepenthes × [sanguinea × gracillima]
Nepenthes × [sanguinea × macfarlanei]
Nepenthes × [sanguinea × ramispina]
Nepenthes × [sanguinea × (thorelii × aristolochioides)]
Nepenthes × [sanguinea × truncata]
Nepenthes × [sanguinea × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [(sanguinea × veitchii) × fusca]
Nepenthes × [(sanguinea × veitchii) × × tiveyi]
Nepenthes 'Santa Mira' Savage Garden:273 (1998)
Nepenthes 'Sanyo'
Nepenthes "Satisfaction"
Nepenthes "Satun"
Nepenthes 'Saturn' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
Nepenthes 'Savanah Rose'
Nepenthes 'Scarlet Splash'
Nepenthes 'Sens' Savage Garden:260 (1998)
Nepenthes × setiuensis
Nepenthes "Shadow"
Nepenthes "Shaleen"
Nepenthes 'Shamenbana' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:8 (1995)
Nepenthes × sharifah-hapsahii
Nepenthes "Sheridaniana"
Nepenthes 'Shinjiku' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.8:14 (1979)
Nepenthes 'Shinjuku' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.8:12 (1979)
Nepenthes 'Shinjuku Grandifolia' 1.Cat.Carniv.Pl.:4 (1985)
Nepenthes 'Shivas Regal'
Nepenthes 'Showa' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × ampullaria]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × aristolochioides]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × burkei]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × copelandii]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × fusca]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × hamata]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × klossii]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × 'Lady Pauline']
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × lowii]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × (lowii × ventricosa)]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × macfarlanei]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × (macrophylla × lowii)]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × maxima]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × (maxima × talangensis)]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × merrilliana]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × mira]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × mirabilis globosa]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × × mixta]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × (northiana × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × peltata]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × rafflesiana]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × ramispina]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × rigidifolia]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × (spectabilis × aristolochioides)]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × (spectabilis × beccariana)]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × (spectabilis × boschiana)]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × (spectabilis × rafflesiana)]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × (spectabilis × sumatrana)]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × talangensis]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × (talangensis × mira)]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × thorelii]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × × tiveyi]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × truncata]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [(sibuyanensis × × trusmadiensis) × truncata]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × (veitchii × lowii)]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [sibuyanensis × (ventricosa × ovata)]
Nepenthes × [(sibuyanensis × (ventricosa × (spathulata × lowii))) × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [(sibuyanensis × ventricosa) × (spectabilis × northiana)]
Nepenthes × [(sibuyanensis × ventricosa) × truncata]
Nepenthes "Silence"
Nepenthes 'Simon'
Nepenthes "Sincerity"
Nepenthes × [singalana × ampullaria]
Nepenthes × [singalana × aristolochiodes]
Nepenthes × [singalana × boschiana]
Nepenthes × [singalana × (burbidgeae × edwardsiana)]
Nepenthes × [singalana × burkei]
Nepenthes × [singalana × (chaniana × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [singalana × diabolica]
Nepenthes × [singalana × diatas]
Nepenthes × [singalana × dubia]
Nepenthes × [singalana × hamata]
Nepenthes × [(singalana × hamata) × hamata]
Nepenthes × [(singalana × inermis) × mira]
Nepenthes × [singalana × lowii]
Nepenthes × [singalana × maxima]
Nepenthes × [singalana × mira]
Nepenthes × [singalana × mirabilis globosa]
Nepenthes × [singalana × ovata]
Nepenthes × [singalana × reinwardtiana]
Nepenthes × [singalana × (sibuyanensis × ventricosa)]
Nepenthes × [singalana × spathulata]?
Nepenthes × [singalana × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [singalana × (talangensis × spectabilis)]
Nepenthes × [singalana × tenuis]
Nepenthes × [singalana × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [singalana × (ventricosa × maxima)]
Nepenthes × [singalana × (ventricosa × sibuyanensis)]
Nepenthes "Singapore Garden Tech"
Nepenthes 'Singapore Giant'
Nepenthes 'Sir William Thiselton Dyer'
Nepenthes "Six Maidens"
Nepenthes "Sleeping Dragon"
Nepenthes "Sleeping Dragon Kona"
Nepenthes 'Snazz Chas' in sched. (1996)
Nepenthes "Snow Soper"
Nepenthes 'Sohma' Pl.Carniv.:142 (1989)
Nepenthes "Song of Melancholy"
Nepenthes "Soothsayer"
Nepenthes "Sophia"
Nepenthes "SP 1 BE"
Nepenthes "sp blue"
Nepenthes "sp solsel"
Nepenthes 'Spali' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
Nepenthes × [spathulata × adnata]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × alata]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × ampullaria]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × aristolochioides]
Nepenthes × [(spathulata × aristolochioides) × (lowii × ventricosa)]
Nepenthes × [(spathulata × aristolochioides) × platychila]
Nepenthes × [(spathulata × aristolochioides) × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [(spathulata × aristolochioides) × (ventricosa × × trusmadiensis)]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × bicalcarata]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × boschiana]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × (burbidgeae × edwardsiana)]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × burkei]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × campanulata]
Nepenthes × [(spathulata × campanulata) × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × (copelandii × truncata)]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × (densiflora × spectabilis)]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × diabolica]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × diatas]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × dubia]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × flava]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × fusca]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × (fusca × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × glabrata]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × glandulifera]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × gymnamphora]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × hamata]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × (inermis × singalana)]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × jacquelineae]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × 'Lady Pauline']
Nepenthes × [spathulata × lowii]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × (lowii × ventricosa)]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × maxima]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × (maxima × talangensis)]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × (maxima × (tobaica × talangensis))]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × merrilliana]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × mindanaoensis]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × mira]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × ovata]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × peltata]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × petiolata]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × platychila]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × rafflesiana]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × ramispina]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × singalana]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × (spathulata × boschiana)]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [(spathulata × spectabilis) × aristolochioides]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × (spectabilis × aristolochioides)]
Nepenthes × [(spathulata × spectabilis) × stenophylla]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × (spectabilis × talangensis)]
Nepenthes × [(spathulata × spectabilis) × truncata]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × (spectabilis × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × (spectabilis × ventricosa)]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × (stenophylla × lowii)]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × talangensis]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × (talangensis × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × tenuis]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × thorelii]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × × tiveyi]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × tobaica]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × truncata]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [(spathulata × veitchii) × alata]
Nepenthes × [spathulata × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × alata "Giant"]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × ampullaria]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × aristolochioides]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × beccariana]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × bellii]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × bicalcarata]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × bongso]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × burkei]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × gracilis]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × hamata]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × jacquelineae]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × klossii]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × lowii]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × (lowii × ventricosa)]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × maxima]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × mikei]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × mira]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × northiana]
Nepenthes × [(spectabilis × northiana) × boschiana]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × (northiana × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × platychila]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × rhombicaulis]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × singalana]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × spathulata]
Nepenthes × [(spectabilis × spathulata) × ('Rokko' × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [(spectabilis × spathulata) × stenophylla]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × sumatrana]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × talangensis]
Nepenthes × [(spectabilis × talangensis) × ampullaria Brunei brown peristome]
Nepenthes × [(spectabilis × talangensis) × spathulata]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × (talangensis × truncata)]
Nepenthes × [(spectabilis × talangensis) × truncata]
Nepenthes × [(spectabilis × talangensis) × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × tenuis]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × (thorellii × aristolochioides)]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × tobaica]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × truncata]
Nepenthes × [(spectabilis × truncata) × boschiana]
Nepenthes × [(spectabilis × truncata) × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × veitchii] "Variegated"
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [(spectabilis × ventricosa) × aristolochioides]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × (ventricosa × lowii)]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × "Viking"]
Nepenthes × [spectabilis × × wittei]
Nepenthes "Spellbound"
Nepenthes × splendiana
Nepenthes × [× splendiana × (albomarginata × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [× splendiana × (bellii × sibuyanensis)]
Nepenthes × [× splendiana × (eymae × ephippiata)]
Nepenthes × [× splendiana × 'Forbidden Fruit']
Nepenthes × [× splendiana × hookerae]
Nepenthes × [× splendiana × × hookeriana]
Nepenthes × [× splendiana × 'Judith Finn']
Nepenthes × [× splendiana × 'Medusa']
Nepenthes × [× splendiana × × mixta]
Nepenthes × [× splendiana × 'Rokko']
Nepenthes × [× splendiana × ('Rokko' × stenophylla)]
Nepenthes × [× splendiana × sanguinea]
Nepenthes × [× splendiana × (spectabilis × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [× splendiana × tiveyi]
Nepenthes × [× splendiana × (× tiveyi × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [× splendiana × truncata]
Nepenthes × [× splendiana × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [× splendiana × ((veitchii × maxima) × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [× splendiana × ((veitchii × maxima) × vetchii)]
Nepenthes × [× splendiana × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [× splendiana × vogelii]]
Nepenthes "Splendid Diana"
Nepenthes × ["Splendid Diana" × × mixta]
Nepenthes × ["Splendid Diana" × ramispina]
Nepenthes × ["Splendid Diana" × ventricosa "red"]
Nepenthes "Sprinkles"
Nepenthes "Squat Dragon"
Nepenthes "St. Brice"
Nepenthes "St. Chad"
Nepenthes "St. Conrad"
Nepenthes "St. Daniel"
Nepenthes "St. Galla"
Nepenthes "St. Hedwig"
Nepenthes "St. Leonard"
Nepenthes "St. Lidwina"
Nepenthes "St. Longinus"
Nepenthes 'St. Louis'
Nepenthes "St. Marcian"
Nepenthes "St. Mercury"
Nepenthes "St. Pacificus"
Nepenthes "St. Phocas"
Nepenthes "St. Romanus"
Nepenthes "St. Rufinis"
Nepenthes "St. Sabbas"
Nepenthes "Starfire"
Nepenthes × [stenophylla × fusca]
Nepenthes × [(stenophylla × lowii) × ('Rokko' × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [(stenophylla × lowii) × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [stenophylla × maxima]
Nepenthes × [stenophylla × reinwardtiana]
Nepenthes × [stenophylla × truncata]
Nepenthes × [stenophylla × veitchii]
Nepenthes "Stillest Hour"
Nepenthes "Straits"
Nepenthes "Striking Dragon"
Nepenthes "Sublime Beauty"
Nepenthes "Suki"
Nepenthes "Sulawesi Dragon"
Nepenthes "Sultan"
Nepenthes "Sumatra"
Nepenthes "Sumatra II"
Nepenthes "Sumatra new"
Nepenthes × [sumatrana × burbidgeae]
Nepenthes × [sumatrana × (lowii × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [sumatrana × platychila]
Nepenthes × [sumatrana × (platychila × fusca)]
Nepenthes × [sumatrana × rowanae]
Nepenthes "Sunset"
Nepenthes "Sunset Songs"
Nepenthes 'Supari' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:16 (1995)
Nepenthes 'Superba'
Nepenthes × superba
Nepenthes "Susan"
Nepenthes 'Suzue Kondo' Carniv.Pl.of the World:48 (1986)
Nepenthes "Syurga"
Nepenthes 'Taipei' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:18 (1995)
Nepenthes 'Takao' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:6 (1999)
Nepenthes 'Takayuki Sakai' Carniv.Pl.of the World:48 (1986)
Nepenthes × [talangensis × "Bill Bailey"]
Nepenthes × [talangensis × boschiana]
Nepenthes × [talangensis × burbidgeae]
Nepenthes × [talangensis × carunculata]
Nepenthes × [talangensis × diatas]
Nepenthes × [talangensis × glabrata]
Nepenthes × [talangensis × glandulifera]
Nepenthes × [talangensis × gymnamphora]
Nepenthes × [talangensis × hamata]
Nepenthes × [talangensis × (lowii × tentaculata)]
Nepenthes × [talangensis × macfarlanei]
Nepenthes × [talangensis × maxima]
Nepenthes × [talangensis × mira]
Nepenthes × [talangensis × reinwardtiana]
Nepenthes × [talangensis × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes × [talangensis × sibuyanensis]
Nepenthes × [talangensis × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [talangensis × (stenophylla × lowii)]
Nepenthes × [talangensis × truncata]
Nepenthes × [(talangensis × × trusmadiensis) × (ventricosa × × trusmadiensis)]
Nepenthes × [talangensis × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [talangensis × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [talangensis × villosa]
Nepenthes × [talangensis × zakariana]
Nepenthes 'Tametomo' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:10 (1995)
Nepenthes "Taminii"
Nepenthes "Taras"
Nepenthes 'Ted Payne'
Nepenthes "Temperance"
Nepenthes × [tentaculata "Giant" × talangensis]
Nepenthes × [tentaculata × aristolochioides]
Nepenthes × [tentaculata × burbidgeae]
Nepenthes × [tentaculata × reinwardtiana]
Nepenthes × [tentaculata × talangensis]
Nepenthes 'The Succubus'
Nepenthes "The Tick"
Nepenthes × [thorelii JAM clone n+w × 1976 LCS #2 superba mixta]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × ampullaria]
Nepenthes × [(thorelii × ampullaria) × (thorelii × aristolochioides)]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × aristolochioides]
Nepenthes × [(thorelii × aristolochioides) × faizaliana]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × bellii]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × boschiana]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × campanulata]
Nepenthes × [(thorelii × campanulata) × (boschana × campanulata)]
Nepenthes × [(thorelii × campanulata) × northiana]
Nepenthes × [(thorelii × campanulata) × platychila]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × (campanulata × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × densiflora]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × (eymae × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × hachijo]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × (macfarlanei × sibuyanensis)]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × maxima]
Nepenthes × [(thorelii × maxima) × campanulata]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × (maxima × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × merilliana]
Nepenthes × [(thorelii × merrilliana) × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × "Miranda"]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × × mixta]
Nepenthes × [(thorelii × × mixta) × beccariana]
Nepenthes × [(thorelii × × mixta) × sumatrana]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × (northiana × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × rafflesiana]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × rafflesiana elongata]
Nepenthes × [(((thorelii × rafflesiana) × alata) × thorelii) × campanulata]
Nepenthes × [(thorelii × rafflesiana) × bicalcarata]
Nepenthes × [(thorelii × rafflesiana) × rowanae]
Nepenthes × [(thorelii × rafflesiana) × (talangensis × inermis)]
Nepenthes × [(thorelii × rafflesiana) × thorelii]
Nepenthes × [((thorelii × rafflesiana) × thorelii) × merrilliana]
Nepenthes × [((thorelii × rafflesiana) × thorelii) × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [(thorelii × rafflesiana) × × tiveyi]
Nepenthes × [(thorelii × rafflesiana) × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × rowanae]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × sibuyanensis]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × (spectabilis × northiana)]
Nepenthes × [(thorelii × (spectabilis × northiana)) × lowii]
Nepenthes × [(thorelii × spectabilis) × (spectabilis × bicalcarata)]
Nepenthes × [(thorelii × spectabilis) × thorelii]
Nepenthes × [(thorelii × spectabilis) × tiger "Coke Can"]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × (spectabilis × truncata)]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × (spectabilis × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [(thorelii × (stenophylla × fusca)) × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × (stenophylla × lowii)]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × "Tiger"]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × × tiveyi]
Nepenthes × [(thorelii × × tiveyi) × campanulata]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × (× tiveyi × × mixta)]
Nepenthes × [((thorelii × (× tiveyi × × mixta)) × alata]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × tobaica]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × truncata]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × (truncata × campanulata)]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [(thorelii × × trusmadiensis) × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [(thorelii × veitchii) × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × (× ventrata × tobaica)
Nepenthes × [thorelii × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × (ventricosa × densiflora)]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × (ventricosa × maxima)]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × (ventricosa × truncata)]
Nepenthes × [thorelii × × wittei)]
Nepenthes "Tiger"
Nepenthes × ["Tiger" × khasiana]
Nepenthes × ["Tiger" × rafflesiana]
Nepenthes × ["Tiger" × rafflesiana alata]
Nepenthes × ["Tiger" × veitchii]
Nepenthes × tiveyi
Nepenthes × [× tiveyi × aristolochioides]
Nepenthes × [× tiveyi × × mixta]
Nepenthes × [× tiveyi × (northiana × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [× tiveyi × × tiveyi]
Nepenthes × [(tiveyi × veitchii) × (('Rokko' × hurrelliana) × ('Rokko' × veitchii))]
Nepenthes × [tobaica purple × thorelii]
Nepenthes × [tobaica × ampullaria]
Nepenthes × [tobaica × aristolochioides]
Nepenthes × [tobaica × lowii]
Nepenthes × [(tobaica × ovata) × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [tobaica × rafflesiana]
Nepenthes × [tobaica × reinwardtiana]
Nepenthes × [tobaica × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes × [tobaica × (sanguinea × khasiana)]
Nepenthes × [tobaica × (spathulata × spectabilis)]
Nepenthes × [tobaica × talangensis]
Nepenthes × [tobaica × thorelii]
Nepenthes × [tobaica × × tiveyi]
Nepenthes × [tobaica × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [tobaica × veitchii] "Variegated"
Nepenthes × [(tobaica × veitchii) × campanulata]
Nepenthes × [(tobaica × veitchii) × fusca]
Nepenthes 'Tokuyoshi Kondo' Carniv.Pl.of the World:48 (1986)
Nepenthes 'Tomomi' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1999)
Nepenthes × ['Tomomi' × × tiveyi]
Nepenthes × toyoshimae
Nepenthes "Trallians"
Nepenthes × trichocarpa
Nepenthes × [× trichocarpa × mirabilis globosa]
Nepenthes "Tricolor"
Nepenthes "Triffid"
Nepenthes 'Trina' in sched. (1996)
Nepenthes "Troth"
Nepenthes "Trubalina"
Nepenthes truncata "Red Flush"
Nepenthes × [truncata × alata]
Nepenthes × [truncata × aristolochioides]
Nepenthes × [truncata × (bellii × × trusmadiensis)]
Nepenthes × [truncata × (burkii × ventricosa)]
Nepenthes × [truncata × campanulata]
Nepenthes × [truncata × (carunculata robusta × merrilliana)]
Nepenthes × [truncata × copelandii]
Nepenthes × [truncata × densiflora]
Nepenthes × [truncata × ephippiata]
Nepenthes × [truncata × (eymae × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [truncata × flava]
Nepenthes × [truncata × hamata]
Nepenthes × [truncata × 'Ile de France']
Nepenthes × [truncata × jacquelineae]
Nepenthes × [truncata × khasiana]
Nepenthes × [truncata × lowii]
Nepenthes × [truncata × (lowii × spectabilis)]
Nepenthes × [truncata × maxima]
Nepenthes × [truncata × (maxima × mira)]
Nepenthes × [truncata × ((maxima × veitchii) × spectabilis)]
Nepenthes × [truncata × merrilliana]
Nepenthes × [truncata × mindanaoensis]
Nepenthes × [truncata × mira]
Nepenthes × [truncata × mirabilis]
Nepenthes × [truncata × mirabilis globosa]
Nepenthes × [truncata × (northiana × spectabilis)]
Nepenthes × [truncata × (northiana × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [((truncata × (northiana × veitchii)) × ephippiata]
Nepenthes × [truncata × ovata]
Nepenthes × [truncata × petiolata]
Nepenthes × [truncata × ramispina]
Nepenthes × [truncata × sibuyanensis]
Nepenthes × [truncata × (sibuyanensis × × trusmadiensis])
Nepenthes × [truncata × (sibuyanensis × ventricosa)]
Nepenthes × [truncata × (spathulata × truncata)]
Nepenthes × [truncata × (spathulata × × trusmadiensis)]
Nepenthes × [truncata × spatulata]
Nepenthes × [truncata × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [truncata × (spectabilis × northiana)]
Nepenthes × [truncata × stenophylla]
Nepenthes × [truncata × (stenophylla × lowii)]
Nepenthes × [truncata × talangensis]
Nepenthes × [truncata × (talangensis × carunculata)]
Nepenthes × [truncata × thorelii]
Nepenthes × [(truncata × thorelii) × maxima]
Nepenthes × [truncata × × tiveyi]
Nepenthes × [truncata × (× tiveyi × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [truncata × (truncata × densiflora)]
Nepenthes × [truncata × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [truncata × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [truncata × ((veitchii × maxima) × spectabilis)]
Nepenthes × [(truncata × veitchii) × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [truncata × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [truncata × ventricosa] "Variegated"
Nepenthes × [truncata × (ventricosa × aristolochioides)]
Nepenthes × [truncata × (ventricosa × mindanaoensis)]
Nepenthes × [truncata × (ventricosa × talangensis)]
Nepenthes × [truncata × (ventricosa × × tiveyi)]
Nepenthes "Trusmadi Belle"
Nepenthes × trusmadiensis
Nepenthes × [× trusmadiensis × aristolochioides]
Nepenthes × [× trusmadiensis × burbidgeae]
Nepenthes × [× trusmadiensis × maxima]
Nepenthes × [× trusmadiensis × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes 'Tsangoya' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:17 (1995)
Nepenthes 'Tsujimoto' name not established (no description, violating Art.22.1., ICNCP); Carniv.Pl.Newslett.8:14 (1979)
Nepenthes "Ulupono"
Nepenthes "Uluru"
Nepenthes × [undulatifolia × hamata]
Nepenthes "Urangan"
Nepenthes "V. I. Vernadsky"
Nepenthes "Variegata"
Nepenthes "Vector"
Nepenthes veitchii "Bario Gold"
Nepenthes veitchii "Gold"
Nepenthes veitchii "Variegated"
Nepenthes × [veitchii × boschiana]
Nepenthes × [veitchii × burbidgeae]
Nepenthes × [veitchii × (burbidgeae × edwardsiana)]
Nepenthes × [veitchii × chaniana]
Nepenthes × [veitchii × (chaniana × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [veitchii × eymae]
Nepenthes × [veitchii × fusca]
Nepenthes × [veitchii × (fusca × maxima)]
Nepenthes × [veitchii × hurrelliana]
Nepenthes × [veitchii × lowii]
Nepenthes × [(veitchii × lowii) × aristolochioides]
Nepenthes × [(veitchii × lowii) × boschiana]
Nepenthes × [(veitchii × lowii) × (burbidgeae × edwardsiana)]
Nepenthes × [(veitchii × lowii) × mira]
Nepenthes × [(veitchii × lowii) × platychila]
Nepenthes × [(veitchii × lowii) × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes × [(veitchii × lowii) × samudera]
Nepenthes × [(veitchii × lowii) × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [veitchii × (lowii × (veitchii × northiana))]
Nepenthes × [veitchii × maxima]
Nepenthes × [(veitchii × maxima) × × mixta]
Nepenthes × [(veitchii × maxima) × (northiana × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [(veitchii × maxima) × ('Rokko' × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [(veitchii × maxima) × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [((veitchii × maxima) × spectabilis) × truncata]
Nepenthes × [(veitchii × maxima) × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [((veitchii × maxima) × veitchii) × campanulata]
Nepenthes × [veitchii × mira]
Nepenthes × [(veitchii × mira) × (burbidgeae × edwardsiana)]
Nepenthes × [(veitchii × mira) × klossii]
Nepenthes × [veitchii × northiana]
Nepenthes × [veitchii × platychila]
Nepenthes × [ (veitchii × platychila) × platychila]
Nepenthes × [veitchii × ('Rokko' × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [veitchii × stenophylla]
Nepenthes × [veitchii × talangensis]
Nepenthes × [veitchii × × tiveyi]
Nepenthes × [ (veitchii × × tiveyi) × (eymae × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [(veitchii × × tiveyi) × maxima]
Nepenthes × [(veitchii × × tiveyi) × truncata]
Nepenthes × [veitchii × truncata]
Nepenthes × [veitchii × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [veitchii × ((veitchii × eymae) × (veitchii × maxima))]
Nepenthes × [veitchii × (veitchii × 'Rokko')]
Nepenthes × [veitchii × ventricosa]
Nepenthes 'Velvet'
Nepenthes × [(venticosa × sibuyanensis) × ((ventricosa × (spathulata × lowii)) × × trusmadiensis)]
Nepenthes × ventrata
Nepenthes × ventrata "Variegated"
Nepenthes × [× ventrata × alata]
Nepenthes × [× ventrata × (ventricosa × sibuyanensis)]
Nepenthes ventricosa "Big Mouth"
Nepenthes × [ventricosa squat × (ventricosa × (lowii × ventricosa))]
Nepenthes ventricosa "Variegated"
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × adnata]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × alata]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × ampullaria]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × angasanensis]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × aristolochioides]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (aristolochioides × thorelii)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × attenboroughii]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × bellii]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × bongso]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × boschiana]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × burkei]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × campanulata]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × carunculata robusta]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × × cincta]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × clipeata) × merrilliana]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (clipeata × ventricosa)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × densiflora]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × densiflora) × merrilliana]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (densiflora × spectabilis)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × distillatoria]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × dubia]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (dubia × singalana)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × ephippiata]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × fusca]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (fusca × maxima)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × glabrata]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × glandulifera]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × gracillima]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × gymnamphora]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × hamata]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × inermis]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (inermis × bongso)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × insignis]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × khasiana]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × 'Lady Pauline']
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × × leessii]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × lowii]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (lowii × stenophylla)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (lowii × ventricosa)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × macfarlanei]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (macfarlanei × aristolochoides)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × macrovulgaris]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × madagascariensis]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × mapuluensis]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × maxima]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × maxima] "Variegated"
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (maxima × talangensis)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × merilliana]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × mikei]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × mindanaoensis]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × mira]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × mirabilis]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × mirabilis globosa]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × × mixta]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × northiana]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × ovata]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × pectinata]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × petiolata]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × rafflesiana]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × ramispina]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (ramispina × sanguinea)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × "Red Leopard"]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × rhombicaulis]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × 'Rokko']
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × sanguinea]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × sibuyanensis]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × sibuyanensis) × carunculata robusta]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × sibuyanensis) × hamata]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × sibuyanensis) × merrilliana]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × sibuyanensis) × mira]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × sibuyanensis) × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × sibuyanensis) × (spectabilis × northiana)]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × sibuyanensis) × (spectabilis × talangensis) × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × sibuyanensis) × (talangensis × hamata)]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × sibuyanensis) × truncata]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × sibuyanensis) × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × sibuyanensis) × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × sibuyanensis) × (ventricosa × × tiveyi(b))]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × sibuyanensis) × (ventricosa × × trusmadiensis)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × singalana]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (singalana × aristolochioides)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × spathulata]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (spathulata × lowii)]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × (spathulata × lowii)) × (lowii × ventricosa)]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × (spathulata × lowii)) × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (spathulata × maxima)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (spathulata × mira)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (spathulata × truncata)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (spathulata × veitchii)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × spectabilis]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (spectabilis × northiana)]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × spectabilis) × tenuis]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × stenophylla]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × talangensis]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (talangensis × carunculata robusta)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (talangensis × carunculata robusta)]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × talangensis) × merrilliana]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (talangensis × spectabilis)]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × talangensis) × truncata]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × talangensis) × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × tentaculata]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (thorelii × aristolochoides)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (thorelii × truncata)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × × tiveyi]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × × tiveyi) × truncata]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × × tiveyi) × ventricosa]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × truncata]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (truncata × densiflora)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (truncata × mindanaoensis)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × × trusmadiensis]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × × trusmadiensis) × (talangensis × × trusmadiensis)]
Nepenthes × [(ventricosa × × trusmadiensis) × truncata]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × veitchii]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (ventricosa × clipeata)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (ventricosa × inermis)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (ventricosa × maxima)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (ventricosa × talangensis)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (ventricosa × × tiveyi]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (ventricosa × × trusmandiensis)]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × (ventricosa × (ventricosa × talangensis))]
Nepenthes × [ventricosa × xiphioides]
Nepenthes × ventrinermis see N. x [ventricosa x inermis]
Nepenthes "Venturiana"
Nepenthes 'Venus' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1999)
Nepenthes "Viking" see N. mirabilis var. globosa
Nepenthes 'Ville de Rouen'
Nepenthes × [villosa × edwardsiana]
Nepenthes × [villosa × hamata]
Nepenthes × [villosa × robcantleyi]
Nepenthes × [villosa × veitchii]
Nepenthes "Viscarla"
Nepenthes 'Vittata' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:4 (1994)
Nepenthes × [vogelii × (spathulata × mira)]
Nepenthes × [vogelii × ventricosa]
Nepenthes "Wanderer"
Nepenthes × weigneri
Nepenthes "Whisper"
Nepenthes "William's Red"
Nepenthes × williamsii
Nepenthes 'Winged' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:13 (1995)
Nepenthes × wittei
Nepenthes × wrigleyana
Nepenthes × [× wrigleyana × × leessii]
Nepenthes × [xiphioides × ventricosa]
Nepenthes "Xiriana"
Nepenthes 'Yakkome' name not established (no description, violating Art.22.1., ICNCP); later synonym of N. x tiveyi; List of Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1999)
Nepenthes 'Yamana' List of Nepenthes Hybr.:7 (1999)
Nepenthes 'Yatomi'
Nepenthes "Yellow Sunshine"
Nepenthes 'Yoyogi' name not established (no description, violating Art.22.1., ICNCP); Pl.Carniv.:142 (1989)
Nepenthes 'Yubama' Guide to Nepenthes Hybr.:18 (1995)
Nepenthes "Zina"
Nepenthes 'Zonal Koto' Carniv.Pl.Newslett.23:116 (1994)